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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Linux Academy Offers Cloud Certification Study Courses

Cloud computing has brought the need for Linux talent to the forefront in IT shops around the country. Currently 1.7 million Linux and Cloud related technical positions are going unfilled as a result of the lack of trained staff while Linux remains the server operating system that runs 80% of the Internet’s servers.

Linux Academy by Pinehead TV™ is pleased to announce the availability of Linux Certification Training Videos in High Definition. Currently offering over 160 high quality, professional instructor led videos that prepare anyone, inexperienced to expert, to take the Linux 101 and 102 Certification Exam.
All of our videos are in full 1080p High Definition and are led by instructors who have been working in the industry with more than 30 years of combined experience with the industry certifications to prove it!
These videos are accompanied by lesson plans and a lesson by lesson follow up quiz to be sure the student has absorbed the contents. Additionally, every member receives access to a personal hosted Linux server in any one of seven different distributions in order to allow each student to follow the courses in their favorite operating system flavor. Each member can further cement their understanding of the topics by completing the lab assignments related to each video.

Linux Academy provides career and certification training for only $19 a month, with discounts when purchased and paid for in multi-month increments. Our most recent addition, providing a Linux Academy Certification of Completion, follows a rigorous program to train Linux administrators for future career opportunities. Pass the courses and receive LinkedIn(tm) recommendations from our instructors. For complete and original post see here.

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